This is not a public sale. Please email me at trendfetch -at- gmail -dot- com if you're interested.

Get the full database (50,000 different topics)

Hey, why build ONE micro niche website when you can build, well, 50,000 sites?

Or, more likely: One website with 50,000 different pages (Hmm... buying 50k domain names is probably not a good idea to be honest. ).

As you probably already know we have a database of 50,000 different micro niches (topics) that people search for online. And with some php and MySQL you could easily create a portal with 50,000 auto-generated pages. Or, just pick the 1000 most popular search terms and build content around each different topic.

A few internet marketers have emailed me and asked if I could sell them the full list. And, in case you're about to do the same i'll let you know right away that I am selling a few copies of the database.

At the moment this is not a public offer, so if you're interested please email trendfetch -at- gmail -dot- com for additional information. (List currently priced $200)

More to come soon - Hit F5 (refresh page.) to generate a new niche. Sitemap